Sean McConaghy
Sean was born in Providence, Rhode Island and grew up in a small town called Rehoboth over the border in Massachusetts. He got into photography through acting and filmmaking. What started out as a side hustle taking headshots for actor friends has now grown to capturing weddings, family portraits, and a passion for analogue photography. His street photography has appeared on ABC news, BET, and other major news outlets. He’s a big fan of ‘80s music, Criterion channel, and cheeseburgers (grilled or fried - doesn’t matter).

Donnla Hughes
Donnla was born in Galway, Ireland. She spent the past two decades primarily working as a stage actor. Her theatre work has taken her everywhere from the National Theatre in London to the Geffen Playhouse in LA, with plenty of stops in between. She came to photography mostly by standing in for Sean on lighting tests and developed a love of everything involved in capturing faces on camera.